An Introduction To Managing Energy Resources And Saving Money
Finding reliable solutions and playing your part in caring for our natural world can be a challenge. But it is a worthy cause you should keep central in all your decisions on using these valuable resources.
You may be wondering how you can play your part, limiting your daily use of resources like gas, diesel and other fuel and energy.
If you are looking at saving money and reducing your usage of natural resources, you could consider using a gas calculator.
What is a Gas Calculator?
A gas calculator calculates the annual calibration and your consumption of gas. You can also use the device for gas detection, and gas companies use it to analyse gas applications.
But its other use and benefit are to help you save on your Petrol and cut your transportation costs.
Owning a vehicle can be an expensive investment. In these times of declining economies, trying and trim a little of your outgoings is even more important to avert any financial hardships by just being a little money savvy.
How To Save Petrol When Driving
So, how can you save money on Petrol or diesel without driving around looking for the cheapest petrol station and eating more fuel?
Here are a few fuel-saving tips you should think about trying:
● Keep your vehicle aerodynamic; try to keep windows closed at high speeds and remove roof racks and storage boxes when not in use. This can help you save up to 20% on fuel over the year.
● Drop your speed, and slow down vehicle recovery companies, advising that simply dropping from 80mph to 70mph could save you 25% in fuel costs.
● Regularly service your car, use the correct engine oil and replace worn tyres.
● Drive sensibly, read the road well and anticipate other road users’ actions so that you use less breaking and acceleration and reduce fuel use.
● Reduce your revs and use higher gears.
● Look after your car tyres and ensure that tyres are inflated correctly. A correctly inflated tyre can improve your vehicle’s fuel consumption dramatically.
● Remove any extra weight from your car, empty your car boot of any unrequired items and consider running your petrol tank at half full.
● Alternatively, you could leave the car at home and cycle or walk.
Do You Need To Use Petrol?
In our green-conscious society, many ask why we still use Petrol and diesel in our vehicles.
You no longer need to use Petrol or diesel to power your vehicles. Some alternatives are greener and more beneficial to our environment.
Here are six of the main alternatives to Petrol and diesel: ● Electricity
● Natural Gas
Both are suited to Natural Gas Vehicles. ● Ethanol
● Propane
Both are suited to Propane Vehicles.
● Biodiesel
● Hydrogen
Both are suited to fuel cell vehicles.
Now all you need to do is take that leap into a greener lifestyle and reduce your carbon footprint. It’s all up to you to make a difference.
Saving Money On Your Energy Resources
If you need additional savings, you could invest time and energy into cutting costs and reducing your home energy consumption.
You could switch your energy supplier, avoid estimated readings and get your energy supplier to read your meters regularly.
To reduce energy bills further, you could take the following steps:
● Check your walls and loft spaces are well insulated; this gives you massive savings.
● Fit double or triple glazing to reduce heat loss.
● Draw your curtains at night to keep in the warmth and stop heat
from escaping.
● Use the power of the Sun by opening up doors on warmer days to eco-heat your home. You could also consider fitting solar panels, which can save you extra.
● Use a slow cooker instead of a conventional oven.
● Cook sensibly and put lids on pans when cooking; this allows the
food to cook quicker and reduces the use of power.
● Fit a Smart Meter to help you monitor your fuel consumption and reduce your levels accordingly by tracking the difference turning off certain appliances can make in terms of energy and monetary savings.
● Unplug and turn off chargers, unused devices, and household appliances when not in use.
● Buy energy-efficient appliances, checking the energy rating before making your purchase.
● Use full loads when washing or the economy setting on your washing machine. You should also consider using your tumble drier a little less too.
● Let your hair dry naturally whenever you can, and stop using energy-guzzling hairdryers that eat electricity and dry out your hair’s natural oils.
Eco-Tips For Greener Living
You have now gathered some valuable information on ways to save money on your fuel and learned how to reduce your energy consumption.
What else could you do to improve your quest to live a greener lifestyle?
To become an eco-warrior, you could try unexpected ways to add a bit of fun to your day.
Go on, take a look - you may love the change and help the environment simultaneously.
● Cycle to work or walk.
● Take public transport or car share and reduce carbon emissions.
● You could do a Twofer - double up your errand and trips to shops, saving you fuel and time.
● Shop online and embrace the virtual world of shopping.
● Telecommunication and working from home reduce fuel emissions
by 20%.
● Consider donating short-life foods you know you will not eat to food banks rather than throwing them away.
● Understand expiration dates and refer to the quality of the product, as there is a difference between a sell-by date and a use-by date.
● Eat organic and grow your fruit and veg.
These are just a few ideas; there are many more you can discover and add to your list.
Save money, love the planet and go Green.
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Deborah :-) xx