Day Trading and Crypto Currencies

Written by Deborah Hodgetts

In an earlier post, we looked at the secret behind the ‘rich getting rich, and the poor getting poorer,’ but you can’t do that without trading a few morals and ethics.

Taking the cryptocurrency route may get you there faster, and once you’ve mastered the basics, it will become a lot easier knowing where to start.

The new money is Cryptocurrency, and Bit trade is rattling the vaults and taking centre stage in this new world economy.

But where do you start, and how can you join the new revolution in the Crypto markets and discover alternative income streams?

Bit Trade, Bitcoin and Crypto

BitTrade is a platform that supports leading cryptocurrency exchange markets.

The system virtually manages exchanges, which has become an attractive feature when working with bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency types.

You may feel baffled and that your head is about to explode, but entering into the cryptocurrency markets is so much easier now than ever to make a start. The cryptocurrency markets can be a bit of a discovery, especially when finding the right places to invest.

Take this step-by-step journey to buy cryptocurrencies.

To buy Bitcoin, you will first need to buy a Bitcoin Wallet to store your Bitcoins for spending, purchasing, and making investments. You can buy Bitcoins using credit or debit cards. 

Alternative Side Hustles

There are many routes to reach your fame, fortune, and financial abundance goals. You could buy stocks and trade on the stock exchange with bonds, Bitcoin or hard currencies. 

Other alternate routes may take the form of investing in Art, Film, Popular Culture, Property, and Private investments; all could see you creating a strong portfolio of assets.

You could decide to take the route of a pyramid scheme system. For example, the company ‘Forever Living’ focuses on generating income. 

Pyramid schemes recruit people and set up business and trading; that person then compels another person to join, and so on. Each person recruited pushes the next person towards the top of the pyramid. The process also equates increasing revenue by taking a percentage from those below you.

Other possibilities may be using a spare room and setting up an Airbnb, selling and recycling on places like eBay, Music Magpie, Vinted, UpCycle; the list is endless in this growing market.

You could generate sales with Click funnels, manage social media for small companies, become an extra in movies, babysit, write resumes, create art to be uploaded to places like Zazzle and Etsy, or set up a YouTube channel become a You Tuber.

Whatever you decide to create your first steps to a brighter future, make sure that you research all angles of the opportunity. Look at the prospective gains and watch the markets before securing any investments, especially in our current unstable economic markets. Start with small investments that you can quickly recoup if things fall apart and save cash wisely.


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