Busy old me!

Good evening to all my followers, friends and visitors of my wonderful blog!

I have been very busy of late, and sadly unable to hop back here quite as easily or frequently as I would like.

New events are providing me with a countless number of new and exciting adventures.

Each event bursting into view reveals a new, direction on this slowly but beautifully enriched map of my life.

News ……….

I am now a Parish Councillor in my local community, and hot on our agenda is a proposed development on an ancient monument site, which cannot happen – so we fight on to make sure this does not happen.

In addition to this I am also helping to put together the Chiltern Arts Festival, where I will be exhibiting and selling my Poetry /Art Cards along with helping to create an increased footfall to this annual event.

And there is more………..

Hurrah! My poetry collection is complete, and about to fly off to the publishers within this next week.

The Young Adult Novel is at completion, and will be winging it’s way to my prospective agent by the end of June.

I am also returning back to my art roots, to start creating and making some sculptures and working on some new designs for a new range of Poetry/Art greetings cards.

But most importantly I am loving words, enjoying my writing and diving deep into the essence and power of creativity in all things!

I’ll see you lovely people hear tomorrow.

I love you all,

Deborah H xxxx


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