Changing Places

Switched: divided at birth.
Our identities erased by thoughtless actions.
We were meant to be together, but the nurse
in her haste, slipped the name tag on the
wrong toe.
I saw my mothers sweet face, for but a second.
Time to short for her to realise, that I
had been misplaced.
You were joined; by a stranger who grew by
your side.
I no longer a double act but a solitary, twinkling
light, lost feeling cold and half whole.
Destined to be alone.
We are not strangers,
but are linked by an invisible cord, that
our eyes cannot see.
I look for you daily, hoping that
each passing stranger may be you.
That’s why I will not stop my quest.
Until our hearts, are in united rest.

Copyright © 2014 Deborah M. Hodgetts 

(Please do not photocopy or copy this poem with out permission – Thank You!)


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